Our expertise in ‘ONE WINDOW OPERATION’ or ‘ONE STOP SHOP’ is the key to your success!
EBR-I provides their TV channels/Radio stations clients with 2 types of Messages Moderation; Automated Moderation and Human Live moderation using “Message Moderator Web interface” which provides a simple way to receive, view, save, delete, and reply to SMS/Text messages received from viewers/listeners. |
Mobile marketing creates quick responses via use of shortcodes and single word texts. Being media savvy compliments existing communication methods such as print, point of sale, direct mail, radio and television.
Features |
Invite customers to make queries, give comments and place orders via a text/SMS message. Customers may be more willing to text requests or queries due to the shear convenience as compared to making calls or even logging on to a website.
Promotional Activity |
Manage incoming messages via a folder-based system: Raw (Inbox), Saved, Trashed, and Published
Developed using AJAX ensures that numerous moderators sitting at different locations can quickly approve/disapprove messages |
Message filter prevents abusive messages from appearing on screens, Web, or billboards
Adaptive algorithm ensures that the system learns and builds the library of inappropriate words and/or sentences.
Messages can be published to any third-party interface via an XML API (TV screen, Web site, billboard)
Messages can be manipulated before publishing (deleting names or phone numbers)
Moderators can post advertisement messages on to the live system that can generate user interest and increase participant interaction
Ability to broadcast a reply to one, many, or all participants
Comprehensive reporting means statistics can be viewed hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or for selected periods (by folder or overall)
Benefits |
Targeted promotions are well received by recipients, and help to build and maintain loyalty by providing value added providing services that your customers will find useful and enjoy enhances your CRM and loyalty base.
Versatile Web interface—easy to use in a live studio environment
Management of inbound messages via Web functions and folders
Publication to a third-party interface means messages can be edited and scrolled across screens, with additional messages added by the broadcasting company |
Choose which messages to reply to—some or all
Words can be filtered out of messages, or messages can be edited individually
Live reporting feature enables managers to stay up-to-date with how many people are responding to a show at any particular time |